MUMBAI: An upgraded disaster management control room at a cost of almost Rs 6 crore was inaugurated by Chief Minister of Maharashtra Devendra Fadnavis and the Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray at the civic head quarters in Fort on Monday morning. Apart from it, the day also witnessed the inauguration of a litigation management system especially created to manage the 70,000 odd cases of the BMC, which are on going at various courts.
While an approximate of Rs. 3 crore has been spent on getting new disaster control room ready, another Rs. 3. 17 crore has been given by the state government for the video wall, which is able to display live feed from the 5,000 odd CCTV cameras across the city, which has been installed by the state government. The video wall at a time would be able to display 50 video tiles thereby facilitating the officials on how resources are to be mobilised in case of a disaster. "We have already brought Mumbai under the CCTV surveillance and with it now being linked to the BMC's disaster control room, it's only going to prove to be more beneficial," said Fadnavis. The control room is also equipped with GPS facility, which would be able to exactly point out the number of hospitals, fire stations or police stations located around the site of an incident.
While an approximate of Rs. 3 crore has been spent on getting new disaster control room ready, another Rs. 3. 17 crore has been given by the state government for the video wall, which is able to display live feed from the 5,000 odd CCTV cameras across the city, which has been installed by the state government. The video wall at a time would be able to display 50 video tiles thereby facilitating the officials on how resources are to be mobilised in case of a disaster. "We have already brought Mumbai under the CCTV surveillance and with it now being linked to the BMC's disaster control room, it's only going to prove to be more beneficial," said Fadnavis. The control room is also equipped with GPS facility, which would be able to exactly point out the number of hospitals, fire stations or police stations located around the site of an incident.
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